Contract Logistics

In-house Logistics
In close collaboration with you, our experts optimise processes and manage logistics in-house at your premises.

In-house logistics: efficient solutions for your internal logistics

In-house logistics offers companies decisive advantages by optimising internal processes and closely integrating warehousing, distribution and transport. Our services are designed to help your company improve efficiency and quality.

For several decades, we have been successfully providing in-house logistics services for customers of various sizes and in a range of industries. We adapt flexibly to the premises and requirements:

After a comprehensive analysis of your operational procedures, we develop a customised concept that is perfectly tailored to your requirements. As your partner in the field of in-house logistics, we flexibly take on activities ranging from individual processes to the entire logistics function directly on site at your company.

Logistikhalle Kontraktlogistik mit Paletten

Advantages of in-house logistics

By partnering with a logistics expert for on-site logistics processing, you will benefit from the following advantages:

  • Trained specialists and personal contacts,
    reliably on-site

    As a logistics company with 1,600 employees, we ensure that your logistics project is reliably staffed with qualified specialists, even at seasonal peaks.
  • Cost savings through transparent processes
    With almost 100 years of know-how, we constantly analyse and optimise your processes, thus achieving an increase in quality in your company.
  • Lean, direct communication
    In the planning as well as in the implementation of the project, an open, consensus-oriented communication culture in the direction of your employees is important to us.
  • Logistics beyond: Value Added Services
    If required, we also provide short-term support in other value-added activities.
Our in-house logistics services

We offer you a comprehensive service package that is individually tailored to your requirements:

Analysis and concept development

  • Analysis of logistical and operational processes
  • Joint development of a customised logistics concept, taking into account warehousing and transport

Implementation and support

  • Implementation with the involvement of your employees
  • Direct work on your IT systems, development of interfaces or implementation of our WMS
  • Personalised support from direct contacts on site
  • Continuous quality and efficiency improvements thanks to many years of logistics expertise

Operational services

Why choose us for your in-house logistics?

Our goal is to optimise your logistics processes sustainably and ensure maximum efficiency. With our experienced team and our focus on pragmatic solutions, we are your reliable partner for the successful implementation of an in-house logistics concept.

We will be happy to assist you with your individual requirements.

You can reach your personal contact at:

Andreas Schmid Kontrakt Logistik GmbH & Co. KG

Andreas-Schmid-Straße 1
86368 Gersthofen

Thomas Allrutz
Key Account Manager

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