With a comprehensive network, we transport your shipment quickly and securely through Europe
From Malta to Oslo und from Lisbon to Ankara. The Andreas Schmid Group’s network consists of our own branches in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania, as well as carefully selected partner locations throughout Europe. We head for around 20 European locations with daily scheduled services. Our experienced team knows Europe inside and out and provides personal and comprehensive service.
Our standard tariff, AS Classic, transports your shipment reliably and with the highest quality standards. If you need your shipment delivered especially quickly, we offer additional services to meet all customer needs.
- AS Classic: our standard tariff for intra-European delivery
- AS First: time-optimized delivery according to zone table
- AS Fix: delivery at the recipient’s preferred time
- AS First 12: delivery of the shipment to the recipient before 12 p.m.
Our modern, video-monitored transshipment terminal is located just 2 minutes from the A8 highway, allowing for efficient and reliable loading of your shipment. With our Track & Trace tool, you can track the status of your shipment at any time.