Employees give presents to children in need
Andreas Schmid Group makes 155 children’s dreams come true

Gersthofen, 19 December 2023 – During the festive season, the Andreas Schmid Group has demonstrated its commitment to those who need it most. As part of the “A parcel for every child” campaign, the employees of the Andreas Schmid Group donated 155 Christmas boxes to the children in outpatient care at Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe Augsburg Hochzoll.
For the third year in a row, the employees of the Andreas Schmid Group are giving presents to those children and young people who would otherwise go home empty-handed at Christmas. The aim: every child should be able to unwrap a parcel at Christmas. The entire company, as well as families and friends, are involved in this project. With great attention to detail, individual presents are bought for each child, taking into account their age and interests.
Children’s eyes light up
The feedback from the carers and the head of the facility about the children’s reactions is moving. “Thank you for all the lovely presents”, “I’ve always wanted something just like this”, “wow, something so big”, and the children’s eyes light up.
Help that arrives
The Andreas Schmid Group has been supporting the Hochzoll children’s, youth and family aid organisation through the Alfred Kolb Foundation for many years. In addition to the Christmas campaign and other donations in kind, upcoming projects are financed with an annual donation. In addition, employees of the Andreas Schmid Group teach valuable skills to the children and young people in the future workshop. By working closely with the centre’s management, the projects are designed to perfectly meet the needs of the children and young people and thus create maximum added value.
About the Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe Hochzoll
The Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe Hochzoll is a competent, experienced, and innovative partner for youth services in the Augsburg region. In addition to the children’s home with several residential groups, the social institution also provides outpatient support to many children and adolescents and their family systems through self-help assistance. For more information about the institution and its diverse projects, please visit www.kinder-jugendhilfe-augsburg.de.
About the Alfred Kolb Foundation
Since 2008, the Alfred Kolb Foundation has been supporting needy children and young people in their education, training, and social needs. As a charitable and non-profit foundation, it is primarily active in our home region of Augsburg. For foundation founder Alfred Kolb, as the owner of the Andreas Schmid Group, it has always been a concern to actively live and implement the social responsibility of his company. Learn more at www.ak-stiftung.de.
About Andreas Schmid Group
The Andreas Schmid Group is a leading expert for customised logistics solutions in Germany and abroad. Since 1928, the family-owned company from Gersthofen near Augsburg has focused on the sustainable success of its customers and is today considered a pioneer for the logistics of tomorrow. With 1,600 employees, the Andreas Schmid Group operates 260,000 m² of logistics space at over 30 locations in Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. With its own Innovation Lab, a creative agency and a personnel service provider, the Group’s portfolio goes far beyond classic transport and logistics services – in line with the motto #logisticsbeyond.
For more information, visit www.andreas-schmid.de.