The magazine of the Andreas Schmid Group
Logistics beyond 04

The latest issue of the Andreas Schmid Group magazine is published under the title “Hello world!”. These two words are in many ways an accurate description for the company: Our already diverse team is becoming increasingly international. In 2022, the Andreas Schmid Group was able to establish two more international locations and is following this route in 2023. At the same time, the protection of our planet and our social responsibility as a company are becoming even more important. And last but not least, the Andreas Schmid Group is actively shaping the world of logistics with innovative and digital solutions.
This magazine will show you how.
Click here to download the magazine
About Andreas Schmid Group
The Andreas Schmid Group is a leading expert for customised logistics solutions in Germany and abroad. Since 1928, the family-owned company from Gersthofen near Augsburg has focused on the sustainable success of its customers and is today considered a pioneer for the logistics of tomorrow. With 1,600 employees, the Andreas Schmid Group operates 260,000 m² of logistics space at over 30 locations in Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. With its own Innovation Lab, a creative agency and a personnel service provider, the Group’s portfolio goes far beyond classic transport and logistics services – in line with the motto #logisticsbeyond.
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